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nota: Gambar hiasan ialah pecatur China, Ju Wenjun sewaktu beliau berentap dalam pertandingan Tehran FIDE Women's Grand Prix 2017 dan menjadi juara seiring berjaya menjadi wanita kelima memperolehi rating melepasi 2600. Sebelumnya, Ju Wenjun menjuarai suatu kejohanan catur di Sharjah, UAE pada 2014. 

The Game That Placed Hou Yifan On The Cover Of Chess News Year Book

Yifan Hou vs Judit Polgar

Tradewise Gibraltar 2012, Catalan Bay GIB, rd 7, Jan 30 Sicilian Defense: Paulsen. Taimanov Variation (B46) ·

1-0 1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 e6 3. d4 cd4 4. Nd4 Nc6 5. Nc3 a6 6. Be2 Nge7 7. Bf4 Ng6 8. Nc6 bc6 9. Bd6 Bd6 10. Qd6 Qe7 11. O-O-O Qd6 12. Rd6 Ke7 13. Rhd1 Nf4 14. Bf3 Rb8 15. R6d2 g5 16. Na4 d5 17. g3 Ng6 18. Re1 Kf6 19. Bh5 Rb4 20. Nc3 d4 21. e5 Ne5 22. Ne4 Ke7 23. Ng5 h6 24. Ne6 Be6 25. Re5 Rd8 26. f4 Rb5 27. Rde2 Kf6 28. Bf3 c5 29. a4 Rb4 30. Rc5 Ra4 31. b3 Rb4 32. Be4 Bg4 33. Re1 Rd6 34. Bd3 Bd7 35. Ree5 Be6 36. Kd2 Rbb6 37. Ra5 Rbc6 38. Ra4 Rb6 39. Re4 Bf5 40. Red4 Re6 41. Bc4 Rec6 42. Ra5 Bc8 43. Bd3 Be6 44. Rd8 Bc8 45. Rad5 Be6 46. Rh5 Kg7 47. f5

Igor Ivanov first became internationally famous in 1979, when he defeated World Champion Anatoly Karpov in a superb game from the USSR Spartakiad team tournament. This likely earned him the privilege of his first international travel, very difficult for Soviet citizens to obtain during those years. Year later he became even more famous for defecting in a dramatic way. In 1980, after playing in Cuba as part of the Soviet team, he made his wild dash to freedom from the KGB in Canada during a refueling stop in Gander, Newfoundland. In his most exciting game, Ivanov defeated IM Vitaly Zaltsman in New York 1983 in the Tarrasch defense. After organizing an energetic king-side attack he then sacrifices both rooks and a queen. It became an emotional roller coaster with the powerful white pawns finally swarming the black king. Ivanov considered it one of his best games.

Igor Vasilievich Ivanov vs Vitaly F Zaltsman

New York Kavkasian (1983), New York, NY USA Tarrasch Defense: Classical Variation (D34)

1.Nf3 d5 2.c4 e6 3.d4 c5 4.cxd5 exd5 5.g3 Nc6 6.Bg2 Nf6 7.O-O Be7 8.Nc3 O-O 9.Be3 c4 10.Ne5 Qa5 11.Bg5 Rd8 12.e3 h6 13.Bxf6 Bxf6 14.f4 Bxe5 15.fxe5 Be6 16.Qh5 Rd7 17.Rad1 Rf8 18.a3 Qd8 19.h4 a6 20.Rd2 b5 21.Rdf2 Qe7 22.g4 Qd8 23.g5 Ne7 24.Ne2 g6 25.Qxh6 Nf5 26.Rxf5 Bxf5 27.Rxf5 gxf5 28.Ng3 f6 29.Nxf5 Rh7 30.Qg6+ Kh8 31.gxf6 Rg8 32.h5 Rxg6 33.hxg6 Qd7 34.e4 dxe4 35.Bxe4 Kg8 36.Kg2 a5 37.d5 Qc7 38.d6 Qc5 39.gxh7+ Kxh7 40.f7 Qxe5 41.f8=Q Qxe4+ 42.Kg3 Qd3+ 43.Kf4 Qd2+ 44.Ke4 1-0

Yeoh Li Tian VS Viswanathan Anand

FIDE World Cup Chess Championship, Georgia, 2017 Game Notation:- Sicilian Defense: Alapin Variation. Barmen Defense

1.e4 c5 2.c3 d5 3.exd5 Qxd5 4.d4 g6 5.Nf3 Bg7 6.Be2 cxd4 7.cxd4 Nf6 8.Nc3 Qd6 9.O-O O-O 10.Qb3 Na6 11.Rd1 b6 12.Ne5 Nc7 13.Nc4 Qd8 14.Bf4 Ncd5 15.Nxd5 Nxd5 16.Be5 Be6 17.Qa3 Bh6 18.Ne3 a5 19.Bf3 Ra7 20.Bxd5 Bxd5 21.Nf5 Bg5 22.Qg3 Bf6 23.Bxf6 exf6 24.Ne3 Rd7 25.Rd2 Re8 26.b3 h5 27.Rad1 Kh7 28.Qf4 Re4 29.Nxd5 Rxf4 30.Nxf4 Rc7 31.d5 Qd6 32.Ne2 b5 33.h3 h4 34.Kh1 Kg7 35.Ng1 g5 36.Nf3 Rc5 37.Kg1 Kg6 38.Rd4 f5 39.Nh2 f6 40.Nf1 Rc2 41.a4 Rc5 42.axb5 Rxb5 43.R1d3 Rc5 44.Ne3 Rc1+ 45.Rd1 Rxd1+ 46.Rxd1 Kf7 47.Nxf5 Qb4 48.Nd4 Qb7 49.d6 Qd5 50.f3 Qxd6 51.Rd3 f5 52.Kf2 Kf6 53.Ke2 Qh2 54.Kf2 Qd6 55.Ke2 Qe5+ 56.Kf2 Qc5 57.Kf1 Qc1+ 58.Kf2 Qb1 59.Rc3 f4 60.Ne2 Ke7 61.Rc7+ Kd6 62.Rc3 Qd1 63.Rc1 Qxb3 64.Ke1 a4 65.Nc3 a3 66.Kd2 a2 (0-1)

Yeoh Li Tian adalah pemain catur Malaysia yang dilahirkan pada tahun 1999. Beliau dianugerahkan gelaran International Master (IM) oleh FIDE pada tahun 2017. Beliau merupakan pemain catur Malaysia yang pertama berjaya mendapat norms untuk gelaran Grandmaster (GM) dan merupakan individu pertama Malaysia yang layak bertanding di Kejohanan Dunia FIDE. Viswanathan Anand, juga dikenali sebagai Vishy Anand merupakan seorang Grandmaster dari India. Beliau adalah bekas Juara Catur Dunia dan merupakan individu dari Asia yang pertama berjaya merangkul tempat sebagai Juara Catur Dunia. Anand dianggap sebagai salah seorang pemain catur rapid terhebat sepanjang zaman.

Viswanathan Anand VS Magnus Carlsen

Anand-Carlsen World Championship, Chennai, India November 2013 Game Notation:- Nimzo-Indian Defense: Saemisch Variation (E25)

1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 e6 3. Nc3 Bb4 4. f3 d5 5. a3 Bc3 6. bc3 c5 7. cd5 ed5 8. e3 c4 9. Ne2 Nc6 10. g4 O-O 11. Bg2 Na5 12. O-O Nb3 13. Ra2 b5 14. Ng3 a5 15. g5 Ne8 16. e4 Nc1 17. Qc1 Ra6 18. e5 Nc7 19. f4 b4 20. ab4 ab4 21. Ra6 Na6 22. f5 b3 23. Qf4 Nc7 24. f6 g6 25. Qh4 Ne8 26. Qh6 b2 27. Rf4 b1Q 28. Nf1 Qe1 (0-1)

Kejohanan Catur Dunia 2013 adalah perlawanan di antara Juara Dunia bertahan, Viswanathan Anand dari India dan pencabar, Magnus Carlsen dari Norway, untuk menentukan Juara Catur Dunia bagi tahun 2013. Ia diadakan pada 9 hingga 22 November 2013 di Hyatt Regency, Chennai, India, di bawah anjuran FIDE (Persekutuan Catur Dunia). Pertandingan ini mengumpulkan jumlah penonton di India yang sangat ramai dan menarik jutaan penonton dari seluruh dunia. Carlsen memenangi perlawanan dengan markah 6½ –3½ selepas 10 daripada 12 permainan yang dijadualkan berlangsung, seterusnya menjadi Juara Catur Dunia yang baru. Garry Kasparov dan yang lain mengatakan ini sebagai permulaan era baru dalam catur, dengan Carlsen menjadi Juara Dunia pertama yang meningkatkan permainannya di zaman komputer catur yang sangat canggih

Judit Polgar vs Anatoly Karpov

7th Essent (2003), Hoogeveen NED, rd

1, Oct-12 Russian Game: Classical Attack. Jaenisch Variation (C42) 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nf6 3. Ne5 d6 4. Nf3 Ne4 5. d4 d5 6. Bd3 Be7 7. O-O Nc6 8. c4 Nb4 9. Be2 O-O 10. a3 Nc6 11. cd5 Qd5 12. Nc3 Nc3 13. bc3 Qd6 14. Rb1 b6 15. Re1 Be6 16. Bd3 Rae8 17. Rb5 Na5 18. Rbe5 Nc6 19. R5e2 Bd7 20. d5 Na5 21. Ne5 Bf6 22. Bf4 Be5 23. Be5 Qa3 24. Re3 Qc5 25. Bh7 Kh7 26. Qh5

Best Queen Sac 2020

Daniil Dubov vs Sergey Karjakin

Russian Championship Superfinal, ROUND 11 Giuoco Piano (C53)

1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bc4 Bc5 4. c3 Nf6 5. d4 exd4 6. b4 (The Delayed Evans!) Bb6 7. e5 Ne4 8. Bd5 Nxc3 9. Nxc3 dxc3 10. Bg5 Ne7 11. O-O h6 12. Bh4 O-O 13. Re1 Qe8 14. Bb3 a5 15. Bf6 a4 16. Bc4 Ng6 17. Qd3 d5 18. exd6 Be6 19. Qxg6 Fxg6 20. Rxe6 Qf7 21. Bxc3 Kh8 22. Re4 Qf5 23. Re7 Rg8 24. Bxg8 Rxg8 25. Dxc7 Qc2 26. Be5 Bxf2 + 27. Kh1 Bb6 28. H3 Kh7 29. Re1 3a , 30. Kh2 G5 31 . Nd4 Qc4 32. Nf5 Qxb4 33. Rc1 Kg6 34. Rxg7 + Kxf5 35. Rxg8 Bxc7 36. Bxc7 Qb2 37. Rc5 + Ke4 38. Rd8

The 73rd Russian Championship is a 12-player round-robin tournament taking place from 5-16 December 2020 in the Central Chess Club in Moscow, Russia. Players receive 90 minutes for 40 moves, followed by 30 minutes to the end of the game, plus a 30-second increment starting from move one.

Maxime Vachier Lagrave vs Ian Nepomniachtchi

Paris Rapid & Blitz, 19.6.2021., round 6 French, advance, Euwe variation (C02)

1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.e5 c5 4.c3 Nc6 5.Nf3 Bd7 6.Be2 Nge7 7.h4 f6 8.h5 Qb6 9.g4 Ng8 10.Na3 cxd4 11.cxd4 fxe5 12.dxe5 Bc5 13.Nb5 Nxe5 14.Nxe5 Bxb5 15.O-O Nf6 16.Bxb5+ Qxb5 17.g5 Ne4 18.Qg4 Qb6 19.g6 O-O-O 20.Bf4 hxg6 21.Rac1 gxh5 22.Qg6 Rhf8 23.Bh2 Rf6 24.Qxg7 Rxf2 25.Rxf2 Nxf2 26.Nd7

Judit Polgar vs Ferenc Berkes

Hunguest Hotels Super Chess Tournament (2003), Budapest HUN, rd 7, Apr-18 French Defense: Classical. Burn Variation Main Line (C11)

1. e4 e6 2. d4 d5 3. Nc3 Nf6 4. Bg5 de4 5. Ne4 Be7 6. Bf6 Bf6 7. Nf3 O-O 8. Qd2 Nd7 9. O-O-O Be7 10. Bd3 b6 11. Neg5 h6 12. Bh7 Kh8 13. Be4 hg5 14. g4 Rb8 15. h4 g6 16. hg5 Kg7 17. Qf4 Bb7 18. Rh7 Kh7 19. Qh2 Kg8 20. Rh1 Bg5 21. Ng5 Qg5 22. f4 Qf4 23. Qf4 Be4 24. Qe4

In 2003, Kasparov lost to Teimour Radjabov by storming away from the board and lost on time rather than resign in a clearly lost position. He refused to shake hands or do a post game analysis. Later, Radjabov was awarded the brilliancy prize, but Kasparov walked up on the stage, grabbed the microphone, and launched a 10 minute tirade at the journalists, saying the award was a public insult and humiliation because Radjabov was completely lost in the game. (source: Chessbase News, Mar 11, 2003)

Garry Kasparov vs Teimour Radjabov

"David and Goliath" (game of the day Mar-05-2009) XX Ciudad de Linares (2003), rd 2, Feb-23 French Defense: Steinitz. Boleslavsky Variation (C11)

1. e4 e6 2. d4 d5 3. Nc3 Nf6 4. e5 Nfd7 5. f4 c5 6. Nf3 Nc6 7. Be3 a6 8. Qd2 b5 9. a3 Qb6 10. Ne2 c4 11. g4 h5 12. gh5 Rh5 13. Ng3 Rh8 14. f5 ef5 15. Nf5 Nf6 16. Ng3 Ng4 17. Bf4 Be6 18. c3 Be7 19. Ng5 O-O-O 20. Ne6 fe6 21. Be2 Nge5 22. Qe3 Nd7 23. Qe6 Bh4 24. Qg4 g5 25. Bd2 Rde8 26. O-O-O Na5 27. Rdf1 Nb3 28. Kd1 Bg3 29. Rf7 Rd8 30. Bg5 Qg6 31. Qf5 Qf5 32. Rf5 Rdf8 33. Rf8 Nf8 34. Bf3 Bh4 35. Be3 Nd7 36. Bd5 Re8 37. Bh6 Ndc5 38. Bf7 Re7 39. Bh5 Nd3

Alireza Firouzja vs Magnus Carlsen Goldmoney

Asian Rapid (2021) (rapid), rd 1, Jun-21 Vienna game (C26)

1.e4 e5 2.Nc3 Nf6 3.Bc4 Bc5 4.d3 d6 5.f4 Nc6 6.Nf3 a6 7.Bb3 h6 8.Qe2 Bg4 9.fxe5 dxe5 10.Be3 Nd4 11.Qf2 Bxf3 12.gxf3 Nh5 13.O-O-O Nf4 14.Kb1 Nxb3 15.Bxc5 Nxc5 16.Qxc5 Qd6 17.Qxd6 cxd6 18.d4 O-O-O 19.Rd2 Ne6 20.Ne2 Rhf8 21.d5 Ng5 22.Rd3 Nh3 23.Rc1 f5 24.c4 fxe4 25.fxe4 Rf2 26.Nc3 Rxh2 27.c5 Nf4 28.Rdd1 Kb8 29.c6 Rc8 30.Na4 Re2 31.Nb6 Rc7 32.Nd7+ Ka7 33.Rc4 h5 34.Rg1 g6 35.a4 h4 36.b4 b6 37.b5 a5 38.Nxe5 h3 39.Rh1 Nxd5 40.Nxg6 Ne3 41.Rc3 Ng4 42.Nf4 Rxe4 43.Nd5 Nf2 44.Nxc7 Nxh1 45.Rxh3

World Chess Champion Magnus Carlsen and Women's no. 1 Hou Yifan are among the 16-player field for the Goldmoney Asian Rapid, the 7th event on the $1.6 million Meltwater Champions Chess Tour, which runs from June 26 to July 4 on chess24. The 3-day preliminary stage sees the players face each other once before the bottom 8 are eliminated while the top 8 advance to a knockout consisting of 2-day matches. The time control is 15 minutes for all moves, with a 10-second increment per move from move 1. The knockout match-ups consist of 4-game matches on the first two days. If the match score is 1:1, two 5+3 games are then played followed, if needed, by Armageddon, where White has 5 minutes to Black's 4 but a draw counts as a win for Black.

Wesley So vs Magnus Carlsen

Goldmoney Asian Rapid (2021) (rapid), Quarterfinals Game 2, Jun-29 Giuoco Piano (C53)

1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 Bc5 4.c3 Nf6 5.d3 d6 6.O-O h6 7.Re1 O-O 8.Nbd2 a6 9.Nf1 Ba7 10.a4 Re8 11.h3 Be6 12.Bxe6 Rxe6 13.b4 Qd7 14.Qc2 d5 15.Be3 Bxe3 16.Nxe3 Ne7 17.c4 d4 18.Nf5 a5 19.b5 c5 20.N3h4 Ng6 21.g3 Ne8 22.Kh2 Nd6 23.Qe2 Nxh4 24.Nxh4 Qe7 25.Nf5 Qf6 26.Nxd6 Rxd6 27.Rf1 Re8 28.f4 Qd8 29.Qh5 f6 30.h4 Qd7 31.Rf2 Qf7 32.Qf3 exf4 33.gxf4 f5 34.e5 Rg6 35.Rg1 Rxg1 36.Kxg1 b6 37.Rg2 Kh7 38.h5 Re6 39.Kf2 Qe7 40.Qh3 Qf7 41.Ke1 g6 42.hxg6+ Rxg6 43.Qh5 Rf6 44.Qxf7+ Rxf7 45.Kf2 Re7 46.Kg3

Rashid Nezhmetdinov vs Antoshin Vladimir

Chigorin Memorial, Sochi RUS, 1964 French Defense, King's Indian Attack (C00)

1. e4 e6 2. d3 d5 3. Nd2 Nf6 4. g3 b6 5. Bg2 Bb7 6. e5 Nfd7 7. Ngf3 c5 8. O-O Nc6 9. Re1 Qc7 10. Qe2 h6 11. h4 g5 12. hxg5 hxg5 13. Nxg5 Nd4 14. Qd1 Nxe5 15. c3 Nf5 16. Rxe5 Qxe5 17. Qa4+ Ke7 18. Ndf3 Qc7 19. Qg4 Ng7 20. Nh4 Ke8 21. c4 Rd8 22. cxd5 Bxd5 23. Ne4 Bxe4 24. Bxe4 Nh5 25. Qf3 Qe5 26. Bd2 Qxb2 27. Bc6+ Ke7 28. Bg5+ f6 29. Ng6+ Kd6 30. Re1 fxg5 31. Bb7 Kc7 32. Nxh8 Qxh8 33. Ba8 Rd6 34. d4 Nf6 35. Qb7+ Kd8 36. d5 Nxd5 37. Qb8+ Ke7 38. Bxd5 Rxd5 39. Qxa7+ Rd7 40. Qxb6 Qf6 41. Qxc5+ Kf7 42. Qe3

Magnus Carlsen vs Wesley So

Goldmoney Asian Rapid (2021) (rapid), Quarterfinals Game 3, Jun-29 English, four knights, Capablanca variation (A28)

1.c4 e5 2.Nc3 Nf6 3.Nf3 Nc6 4.d3 d5 5.cxd5 Nxd5 6.e4 Nxc3 7.bxc3 Bc5 8.Be2 O-O 9.O-O Kh8 10.Be3 Bxe3 11.fxe3 Qe7 12.Qc2 f5 13.Nd2 Be6 14.d4 Qg5 15.Rf3 fxe4 16.Nxe4 Qh6 17.Re1 b6 18.Nf2 Ne7 19.Qe4 exd4 20.cxd4 Rfe8 21.Qe5 Nd5 22.Bb5 Re7 23.Bc6 Bg8 24.Qxe7 Nxe7 25.Bxa8 Qd6 26.Be4 c5 27.Rd1 c4 28.Bb1 c3 29.d5 b5 30.Ne4 Qc7 31.Bc2 Nxd5 32.Rf8 Ne7 33.Rdd8 h6 34.Nd6 g6 35.Nc8 Qe5 36.Kf2 Kg7 37.Nxe7 Bf7 38.Nxg6 Qe6 39.Bb3 Qf6+ 40.Nf4 Qh4+ 41.Kf3 Bxb3 42.axb3 c2 43.Rg8+ Kh7 44.Rh8+ Kg7 45.Rdg8+ Kf7 46.Rf8+ Kg7 47.Ne6+

Magnus Carlsen vs Anish Giri

Goldmoney Asian Rapid (2021) (rapid), rd 7, Jun-27 Giuoco Pianissimo (C50)

1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 Nf6 4.d3 Bc5 5.O-O d6 6.c3 O-O 7.Re1 a6 8.a4 Ba7 9.Nbd2 Ng4 10.Re2 Kh8 11.b4 f5 12.Bb3 Bd7 13.Ra2 Qe8 14.exf5 Bxf5 15.Nf1 Be6 16.b5 Bxb3 17.Qxb3 Ne7 18.d4 Ng6 19.c4 e4 20.Ng3 exf3 21.Rxe8 Raxe8 22.Qd1 Nh4 23.h3 fxg2 24.Re2 Rxe2 25.Qxe2 Nxf2 26.Be3 Nxh3+ 27.Kh2 g1=Q+ 28.Bxg1 Nf3+ 29.Kh1 Nhxg1 30.Qe7 Rg8 31.Nf5 Nxd4 32.Nh6 gxh6 33.Qf6+ Rg7 34.Qf8+ Rg8 35.Qf6+ Rg7 36.Qf8+ Rg8 37.Qf6+

Erigaisi Ajrun vs Levon Aronian

Goldmoney Asian Rapid (2021) (rapid), Quarterfinals Game 2, Jun-29 Nimzo-Indian, 4.e3 e8g8, 5.Nf3 d7d5 (E51)


1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nf3 d5 4.Nc3 Bb4 5.e3 O-O 6.Bd2 b6 7.cxd5 exd5 8.Bd3 Bb7 9.O-O Be7 10.Ne5 c5 11.Ne2 Nc6 12.Nxc6 Bxc6 13.dxc5 bxc5 14.Bc3 Qb6 15.Ng3 g6 16.b4 cxb4 17.Bd4 Qd8 18.Rc1 Bb7 19.Qf3 Qd6 20.h4 Rfc8 21.h5 a5 22.Bf5 Rxc1 23.Rxc1 Ne8 24.Qg4 Ng7 25.Bxg6 fxg6 26.Bxg7 Rc8 27.Rd1 Rc2 28.Ba1 Rc4 29.Qe2 Qc6 30.Bd4 Bf6 31.hxg6 hxg6 32.Kh2 Bxd4 33.exd4 Rc2 34.Qf3 Qe6 35.Qf4 Kg7 36.Rd3 Qf6 37.Qg4 Qxf2 38.Nh5+ Kh6 39.Nf4 Rc6 40.Rh3+ Kg7 41.Qd7+ Kf6 42.Rf3 Qxd4 43.Ne2+

Leon Luke Mendonca vs Abhimanyu Mishra

Vezerkepzo GM Mix (2021) (classical), round 9, Jun-30 Gruenfeld, Gruenfeld gambit, Botvinnik variation (D83)

1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 g6 3.Nc3 d5 4.Bf4 Bg7 5.e3 O-O 6.Rc1 c5 7.dxc5 Be6 8.Nf3 Nc6 9.Be2 Qa5 10.Ng5 Nd8 11.Bg3 dxc4 12.Nxe6 Nxe6 13.Qa4 Qxc5 14.Bxc4 Qb6 15.Qb3 Qxb3 16.Bxb3 Nc5 17.Ke2 Nxb3 18.axb3 Rfd8 19.Rhd1 Ne8 20.Rxd8 Rxd8 21.Rd1 Rxd1 22.Kxd1 Nf6 23.Kc2 Nd7 24.b4 f5 25.Nb5 a6 26.Nc7 Kf7 27.b5 a5 28.Nd5 Nc5 29.Bc7 a4 30.f3 Ke6 31.Nc3 Bxc3 32.Kxc3 Kd5 33.Bd8 e5 34.Be7 Nb3 35.h3 e4 36.fxe4+ fxe4 37.Kb4 Nd2 38.Bf6 h5 39.Kxa4 Kc4 40.Ka5 Nb3+ 41.Kb6 Nc5 42.Bd4 Nb3 43.Bf6 Kb4 44.Kxb7 Kxb5 45.Kc7 Kc4 46.Kd6 Kd3 47.Bg5 Nd2 48.Ke5 Nf3+ 49.gxf3 exf3 50.Bh4 g5 51.Bf2 Ke2 52.b4 Kxf2 53.b5 Kxe3 54.b6 f2 55.b7 f1=Q

The Vezerkepzo GM Mix is a 10-round Swiss tournament taking place from 24 June to 1 July 2021 in Budapest, Hungary. Players receive 90 minutes for 40 moves, plus a 30-second increment starting from move one.

Viswanathan Anand vs Nikhil Kamath

Chessbase India checkmate Covid Stream 13.6. 2021. Reti opening iinto Ross Gambit?? (D40)

1.Nf3 e5 2.Nxe5 d6 3.Nf3 Nc6 4.d4 Nf6 5.d5 Ne5 6.Nc3 Be7 7.e4 O-O 8.Be2 c6 9.O-O cxd5 10.exd5 a6 11.Re1 b5 12.a3 h6 13.Nd4 Bd7 14.Bf4 Rc8 15.Bf3 Qb6 16.Bxe5 dxe5 17.Nc6 Bc5 18.Qe2 Rfe8 19.Nxe5 Rxe5 20.Qxe5 Bxf2+ 21.Kf1 Bxe1 22.Qxe1 b4 23.axb4 Qxb4 24.Ra2 Bb5+ 25.Ne2 Qd6 26.Kg1 Rxc2 27.Nc3 Bd7 28.Qe3 Bg4 29.Bxg4 Nxg4 30.Qe8+ Kh7 31.Qe4+ g6 32.Qxg4 Qc5+ 33.Kh1 Rc1+ 34.Nd1 Qxd5

Garry Kasparov's Calculations in his 1990 World Chess Championship Match against Anatoly Karpov Garry Kasparov vs Anatoly Karpov

1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 a6 4.Ba4 Nf6 5.O-O Be7 6.Re1 b5 7.Bb3 d6 8.c3 O-O 9.h3 Bb7 10.d4 Re8 11.Nbd2 Bf8 12.a4 h6 13.Bc2 exd4 14.cxd4 Nb4 15.Bb1 c5 16.d5 Nd7 17.Ra3 f5 18.Rae3 Nf6 19.Nh2 Kh8 20.b3 bxa4 21.bxa4 c4 22.Bb2 fxe4 23.Nxe4 Nfxd5 24.Rg3 Re6 25.Ng4 Qe8 26.Nxh6 c3 27.Nf5 cxb2 28.Qg4 Bc8 29.Qh4+ Rh6 30.Nxh6 gxh6 31.Kh2 Qe5 32.Ng5 Qf6 33.Re8 Bf5 34.Qxh6+ Qxh6 35.Nf7+ Kh7 36.Bxf5+ Qg6 37.Bxg6+ Kg7 38.Rxa8 Be7 39.Rb8 a5 40.Be4+ Kxf7 41.Bxd5+ 1-0

Magnus Carlsen vs Wesley So

Goldmoney Asian Rapid (2021) (rapid), Quarterfinals Game 1, Jun-29 English, four knights, Marini variation (A28)


1.c4 e5 2.Nc3 Nf6 3.Nf3 Nc6 4.a3 d5 5.cxd5 Nxd5 6.Qc2 f5 7.d3 Be7 8.e3 Be6 9.Be2 O-O 10.O-O a5 11.Rd1 Kh8 12.Na4 Qd6 13.Bd2 g5 14.d4 e4 15.Ne5 Nxe5 16.dxe5 Qxe5 17.Bc4 Bf6 18.Nc5 Bg8 19.Rab1 Qe7 20.Nxb7 f4 21.Nxa5 fxe3 22.fxe3 Rxa5 23.Bxd5 Rxd5 24.Bb4 Rxd1+ 25.Rxd1 c5 26.Bxc5 Qc7 27.b4 Re8 28.a4 Be5 29.h3 g4 30.hxg4 Qg7 31.Bd4 Be6 32.Qc6 Bd7 33.Qxd7

Wesley So vs Magnus Carlsen

Goldmoney Asian Rapid (2021) (rapid), Quarterfinals, Match 2 Game 6, Jun-30 Queen's Gambit Declined, Janowski variation (D31)

1.d4 d5 2.c4 e6 3.Nc3 a6 4.cxd5 exd5 5.Nf3 Nf6 6.Bg5 Be6 7.e3 Nbd7 8.Bd3 c6 9.Qc2 Bd6 10.Bf4 Qc7 11.Bxd6 Qxd6 12.h3 O-O 13.O-O g6 14.a3 Ne8 15.Na4 Qe7 16.Ne5 Nd6 17.Rae1 Rae8 18.Re2 Bf5 19.Bxf5 Nxf5 20.Nf3 Nd6 21.Rfe1 Qd8 22.Nd2 Re7 23.f3 Nf5 24.g4 Nh4 25.Kf2 f5 26.Kg3 Rxe3 27.Rxe3 f4+ 28.Kf2 fxe3+ 29.Rxe3 Qc7 30.Nf1 Qf4 31.Qd3 b5 32.Nc3 Nc5 33.dxc5 d4 34.Re7 Qxf3+ 35.Qxf3 Rxf3+ 36.Ke2 dxc3 37.bxc3 Rxc3 38.Nd2 Ng2 39.Ne4 Nf4+ 40.Kd2 Rd3+ 41.Kc2 Rxh3 42.Nf6+ Kf8 43.Rc7 Ne6 44.Nxh7+ Ke8 45.Nf6+ Kd8 46.Rd7+ Kc8 47.Rd6 Nd8 48.Ng8 Rxa3 49.Rxg6 Re3 50.Rg7 Ne6 51.Rg6 Kd7 52.Nf6+ Ke7 53.Nh5 Re5 54.Rh6 Rxc5+ 55.Kb2 Re5 56.Ng3 Nd4 57.Rh7+ Kd6 58.Rh6+ Kd5 59.Rh5 Rxh5 60.gxh5 Ke5 61.Kc3 Nf5 62.Ne2 c5 63.Nc1 Kf6 64.Nd3 Kg5 65.Nxc5 Kxh5 66.Nxa6 b4+ 67.Nxb4 Nd4 68.Nc6 Nxc6

Erigaisi Ajrun vs Levon Aronian

Goldmoney Asian Rapid (2021) (rapid), Quarterfinals Game 2, Jun-29 Nimzo-Indian, 4.e3 e8g8, 5.Nf3 d7d5 (E51)


1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nf3 d5 4.Nc3 Bb4 5.e3 O-O 6.Bd2 b6 7.cxd5 exd5 8.Bd3 Bb7 9.O-O Be7 10.Ne5 c5 11.Ne2 Nc6 12.Nxc6 Bxc6 13.dxc5 bxc5 14.Bc3 Qb6 15.Ng3 g6 16.b4 cxb4 17.Bd4 Qd8 18.Rc1 Bb7 19.Qf3 Qd6 20.h4 Rfc8 21.h5 a5 22.Bf5 Rxc1 23.Rxc1 Ne8 24.Qg4 Ng7 25.Bxg6 fxg6 26.Bxg7 Rc8 27.Rd1 Rc2 28.Ba1 Rc4 29.Qe2 Qc6 30.Bd4 Bf6 31.hxg6 hxg6 32.Kh2 Bxd4 33.exd4 Rc2 34.Qf3 Qe6 35.Qf4 Kg7 36.Rd3 Qf6 37.Qg4 Qxf2 38.Nh5+ Kh6 39.Nf4 Rc6 40.Rh3+ Kg7 41.Qd7+ Kf6 42.Rf3 Qxd4 43.Ne2+

Alireza Firouzja vs Magnus Carlsen

Goldmoney Asian Rapid (2021) (rapid), rd 1, Jun-21 Vienna game (C26)

1.e4 e5 2.Nc3 Nf6 3.Bc4 Bc5 4.d3 d6 5.f4 Nc6 6.Nf3 a6 7.Bb3 h6 8.Qe2 Bg4 9.fxe5 dxe5 10.Be3 Nd4 11.Qf2 Bxf3 12.gxf3 Nh5 13.O-O-O Nf4 14.Kb1 Nxb3 15.Bxc5 Nxc5 16.Qxc5 Qd6 17.Qxd6 cxd6 18.d4 O-O-O 19.Rd2 Ne6 20.Ne2 Rhf8 21.d5 Ng5 22.Rd3 Nh3 23.Rc1 f5 24.c4 fxe4 25.fxe4 Rf2 26.Nc3 Rxh2 27.c5 Nf4 28.Rdd1 Kb8 29.c6 Rc8 30.Na4 Re2 31.Nb6 Rc7 32.Nd7+ Ka7 33.Rc4 h5 34.Rg1 g6 35.a4 h4 36.b4 b6 37.b5 a5 38.Nxe5 h3 39.Rh1 Nxd5 40.Nxg6 Ne3 41.Rc3 Ng4 42.Nf4 Rxe4 43.Nd5 Nf2 44.Nxc7 Nxh1 45.Rxh3

Erigaisi Ajrun vs Levon Aronian

Goldmoney Asian Rapid (2021) (rapid), Quarterfinals Game 2, Jun-29 Nimzo-Indian, 4.e3 e8g8, 5.Nf3 d7d5 (E51)


1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nf3 d5 4.Nc3 Bb4 5.e3 O-O 6.Bd2 b6 7.cxd5 exd5 8.Bd3 Bb7 9.O-O Be7 10.Ne5 c5 11.Ne2 Nc6 12.Nxc6 Bxc6 13.dxc5 bxc5 14.Bc3 Qb6 15.Ng3 g6 16.b4 cxb4 17.Bd4 Qd8 18.Rc1 Bb7 19.Qf3 Qd6 20.h4 Rfc8 21.h5 a5 22.Bf5 Rxc1 23.Rxc1 Ne8 24.Qg4 Ng7 25.Bxg6 fxg6 26.Bxg7 Rc8 27.Rd1 Rc2 28.Ba1 Rc4 29.Qe2 Qc6 30.Bd4 Bf6 31.hxg6 hxg6 32.Kh2 Bxd4 33.exd4 Rc2 34.Qf3 Qe6 35.Qf4 Kg7 36.Rd3 Qf6 37.Qg4 Qxf2 38.Nh5+ Kh6 39.Nf4 Rc6 40.Rh3+ Kg7 41.Qd7+ Kf6 42.Rf3 Qxd4 43.Ne2+

Vladimir Kramnik vs Alireza Firouzja

Paris Rapid & Blitz, 21.6.2021., round 5 Blitz Sicilian, Najdorf (B90)

1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.e5 c5 4.c3 Nc6 5.Nf3 Bd7 6.Be2 Nge7 7.h4 f6 8.h5 Qb6 9.g4 Ng8 10.Na3 cxd4 11.cxd4 fxe5 12.dxe5 Bc5 13.Nb5 Nxe5 14.Nxe5 Bxb5 15.O-O Nf6 16.Bxb5+ Qxb5 17.g5 Ne4 18.Qg4 Qb6 19.g6 O-O-O 20.Bf4 hxg6 21.Rac1 gxh5 22.Qg6 Rhf8 23.Bh2 Rf6 24.Qxg7 Rxf2 25.Rxf2 Nxf2 26.Nd7

Hikaru Nakamura vs Alireza Firouzja

Random game between 2 fine gentlemen 16.6. 2021. Ruy Lopez, Berlin defence (C65)

1.e4 c5 2.d4 cxd4 3.c3 Nf6 4.e5 Nd5 5.Qxd4 e6 6.Nf3 Nc6 7.Qe4 f5 8.Qe2 Qc7 9.g3 b5 10.Bg2 Be7 11.O-O a5 12.Re1 Ba6 13.a3 O-O 14.Qd1 Bb7 15.Nbd2 a4 16.Nf1 Nb6 17.Ne3 Na5 18.Nd4 Bxg2 19.Nxg2 Qb7 20.Ne3 Nbc4 21.Nxc4 Nxc4 22.Qe2 Rac8 23.h4 Rc5 24.Bf4 Rd5 25.Rad1 Bc5 26.Nf3 Rxd1 27.Rxd1 Nxb2 28.Qxb2 Qxf3 29.Rxd7 h6 30.Qd2 Rc8 31.Rd3 Bxf2+ 32.Kh2 Qe4 33.Rd7 Bc5 34.Rxg7+ Kxg7 35.Qd7+ Kg6 36.Qxe6+ Kh5 37.Qf7+ Kg4 38.Qg6+ Kf3 39.Qh5+ Kf2 40.Bxh6 Qg2#

Vladislav Artemiev vs Ding Liren

Goldmoney Asian Rapid (2021) (rapid), Semifinals, Match 1 Game 3, Jul-1 Reti, King's Indian attack (Barcza system) (A07)


1.Nf3 d5 2.g3 Nf6 3.Bg2 c5 4.O-O e6 5.d3 Be7 6.e4 O-O 7.Qe2 Nc6 8.a4 dxe4 9.dxe4 e5 10.c3 Be6 11.Nbd2 Qc7 12.Nc4 Rad8 13.Ng5 Bg4 14.f3 Bc8 15.f4 Bg4 16.Qc2 h6 17.Nf3 exf4 18.gxf4 Be6 19.b3 Nh5 20.e5 Qd7 21.Nfd2 f5 22.Qd1 Qe8 23.Qe2 g5 24.fxg5 hxg5 25.Nf3 Qg6 26.Nd6 g4 27.Ne1 f4 28.Be4 Qg7 29.Nxb7 Nxe5 30.Nxd8 Bxd8 31.Nd3 Nf3+ 32.Kg2 Nh4+ 33.Kg1 f3 34.Bh7+ Kxh7 35.Qxe6 g3 36.Qe4+ Rf5 37.Ra2 gxh2+ 38.Kxh2 Bc7+ 39.Nf4 Nxf4 40.Bxf4 Bxf4+ 41.Kh1 Qg3 42.Qe7+ Kh6 43.Qe6+ Kh5 44.Qe8+ Ng6 45.Rff2 Kh6 46.Rh2+ Rh5 47.Rxh5+ Kxh5 48.Qe6 Kh6 49.Qe4 f2 50.Qg2 Qh4+

AlphaZero vs Stockfish AlphaZero

Stockfish Match (2018), London ENG, Jan-18 Italian Game: Evans Gambit. Tartakower Attack (C52)

1. e4 book 1... e5 book 2. Nf3 book 2... Nc6 book 3. Bc4 book 3... Bc5 book 4. b4 book 4... Bb4 book 5. c3 book 5... Ba5 book 6. d4 book 6... d6 book 7. Qb3 book 7... Qd7 book 8. Nbd2 book 8... Bb6 9. O-O Na5 10. Qc2 ed4 11. cd4 Ne7 12. Re1 O-O 13. Bf1 Qd8 14. Ba3 Ng6 15. d5 Re8 16. Bb4 Rb8 17. Rad1 c6 18. Qb2 c5 19. Bc3 f6 20. a4 Bc7 21. Qa2 Re7 22. h3 Bd7 23. Ra1 Kh8 24. Nh2 Bb6 25. Rab1 Kg8 26. Nhf3 Be8 27. Kh2 Bc7 28. Rb2 Ra8 29. Ra1 Bd7 30. Qb1 Bc8 31. Ng1 Qf8 32. Ne2 f5 33. Ng3 f4 34. Nf5 Bf5 35. ef5 Ne5 36. Nf3 Qf6 37. Qc2 b6 38. Re1 Rf8 39. Qd1 Rd7 40. Bb5 Rdd8 41. Rc2 Qf5 42. Rce2 Nb7 43. Ba6 Na5 44. Re4 Qf6 45. Bb5 Nb7 46. Bc4 Na5 47. Ba2 Kh8 48. Bb1 Rde8 49. Kg1 Kg8 50. h4 c4 51. Ng5 g6 52. Ne6 Re6 53. de6 Qe6 54. Ba2 Kg7 55. Qe2 Rf6 56. Bc4 Nac4 57. Qc4 Qc4 58. Rc4 Nc4 59. Re7 Kf8 60. Bf6 Bd8 61. Re4 Nd2 62. Rf4 Bf6 63. Rf6 Ke7 64. Rf4 Nb3 65. Kf1 Nc5 66. h5 a5 67. Ke2 Ne6 68. Rc4 Nc5 69. Ke3 Ke6 70. Rg4 Kf7 71. Rd4 Ke6 72. h6 Ke7 73. f4 Ne6 74. Rd2 Nc5 75. Ra2 Nd7 76. Rb2 Kf6 77. Rb5

The 2018 YNM Leuven Rapid & Blitz tournament will be the first stop on the 2018 Grand Chess Tour. 2017 saw World Champion Magnus Carlsen ease to a comfortable victory but there will definitely be a new champion this year as Magnus is not returning to defend his title. New faces include Fabiano Caruana, Hikaru Nakamura, Alexander Grischuk and Shakriyar Mamedyarov none of whom participated in the 2017 edition. They will be joined by GM Anish who will once again participate in Leuven as a Wildcard for the event. DATES June 12 – 16, 2018 LOCATION Leuven City Hall, Belgium FORMAT 10-Player Round Robin PRIZE FUND $150,000 COMMENTATORS English – GM Yasser Seirawan, IM Jovanka Houska, GM Alejandro Ramirez, GM Maurice Ashley and GM Nigel Short; Russian – GM Evgenij Miroshnichenko and GM Yaroslav Zherebukh.

Hikaru Nakamura vs Wesley So

Your Next Move (Blitz) (2018), Leuven BEL, rd 18, Jun-16 Reti Opening (A05)

1. Nf3 Nf6 2. b3 g6 3. Bb2 Bg7 4. e3 O-O 5. d4 c5 6. dc5 Qa5 7. c3 Qc5 8. Ba3 Qc7 9. Be7 Re8 10. Bf6 Bf6 11. Nd4 Nc6 12. Be2 d5 13. O-O Ne5 14. Qd2 Bd7 15. Na3 Rac8 16. Rac1 a6 17. Rfd1 Qa5 18. Qb2 Rc7 19. c4 Be7 20. Ndc2 Bf6 21. Nd4 Be7 22. Nb1 Rec8 23. cd5 Rc1 24. Rc1 Rc1 25. Qc1 Qa2 26. Nc3 Qa5 27. h3 Be8 28. Kh1 Kg7 29. f4 Bb4 30. Nd1 Nd7 31. e4 Bd2 32. Qb2 Nf6 33. g3 Kg8 34. Bf3 Bd7 35. Kg2 Bb4 36. Ne2 Be7 37. d6 Bd8 38. Qc3 Qa2 39. Qb2 Qa5 40. Ne3 Bc6 41. e5 Nd5 42. Nd5 Bd5 43. Qc3 Qa2 44. Kf1 Qb1 45. Kg2 Qd1 46. Nd4 Bb6 47. Bd5 Bd4 48. Qc4 h5 49. h4 Qg1 50. Kh3 Bf2 51. Bg2 Qd1 52. Qc8 Kg7 53. Qc3 Kg8 54. Qf3 Qd4 55. Qb7 Qd3 56. Qf3 Qf5 57. Kh2 Bc5 58. Qc3 Bf2 59. Qd2 Bb6 60. d7 Bd8 61. Qd6 a5 62. Qc6 Kg7 63. Qc8 Bh4 64. d8Q

Wesley So vs Magnus Carlsen

Goldmoney Asian Rapid (2021) (rapid), Quarterfinals Game 2, Jun-29 Giuoco Piano (C53)

1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 Bc5 4.c3 Nf6 5.d3 d6 6.O-O h6 7.Re1 O-O 8.Nbd2 a6 9.Nf1 Ba7 10.a4 Re8 11.h3 Be6 12.Bxe6 Rxe6 13.b4 Qd7 14.Qc2 d5 15.Be3 Bxe3 16.Nxe3 Ne7 17.c4 d4 18.Nf5 a5 19.b5 c5 20.N3h4 Ng6 21.g3 Ne8 22.Kh2 Nd6 23.Qe2 Nxh4 24.Nxh4 Qe7 25.Nf5 Qf6 26.Nxd6 Rxd6 27.Rf1 Re8 28.f4 Qd8 29.Qh5 f6 30.h4 Qd7 31.Rf2 Qf7 32.Qf3 exf4 33.gxf4 f5 34.e5 Rg6 35.Rg1 Rxg1 36.Kxg1 b6 37.Rg2 Kh7 38.h5 Re6 39.Kf2 Qe7 40.Qh3 Qf7 41.Ke1 g6 42.hxg6+ Rxg6 43.Qh5 Rf6 44.Qxf7+ Rxf7 45.Kf2 Re7 46.Kg3

First Game They Ever Played!
Mikhail Tal vs Boris Spassky

URS-chT Juniors (1954), Leningrad URS, Aug-?? Benoni Defense: General (A60)

1. c4 Nf6 2. Nc3 e6 3. d4 c5 4. d5 ed5 5. cd5 g6 6. Nf3 Bg7 7. Bf4 d6 8. h3 O-O 9. e3 Ne8 10. Be2 Nd7 11. O-O Ne5 12. Be5 de5 13. Nd2 f5 14. Qb3 Nd6 15. Nc4 e4 16. Nb5 Nb5 17. Qb5 b6 18. d6 Bd7 19. Qb3 b5 20. Nb6 c4 21. Bc4 bc4 22. Qc4 Rf7 23. Na8 Qa8 24. Qb3 Be5 25. Rac1 Kg7 26. Rfd1 a5 27. Rc7 Qe8 28. Qd5 a4 29. b4 ab3 30. ab3 Bf6 31. Rb7 Qe5 32. Qc4 f4 33. ef4 Qf4 34. g3 Qf3 35. Qd5 Bc3 36. Rf1 Kh6 37. Qd1 Qf6 38. Qe2 Bd4 39. Rb4 e3 40. Qd3 Qf2 41. Rf2 ef2 42. Kh2 f1N 43. Qf1 Rf1 44. Rd4 Rf2 45. Kg1 Rf3

The Only Game They EVER Played

Mikhail Botvinnik vs Robert James Fischer "Analyze This" (game of the day Jan-31-2018) Varna ol (Men) fin-A (1962), Varna BUL, rd 10, Oct-07 Gruenfeld Defense: Russian. Smyslov Variation (D98)

1. c4 g6 2. d4 Nf6 3. Nc3 d5 4. Nf3 Bg7 5. Qb3 dc4 6. Qc4 O-O 7. e4 Bg4 8. Be3 Nfd7 9. Be2 Nc6 10. Rd1 Nb6 11. Qc5 Qd6 12. h3 Bf3 13. gf3 Rfd8 14. d5 Ne5 15. Nb5 Qf6 16. f4 Ned7 17. e5 Qf4 18. Bf4 Nc5 19. Nc7 Rac8 20. d6 ed6 21. ed6 Bb2 22. O-O Nbd7 23. Rd5 b6 24. Bf3 Ne6 25. Ne6 fe6 26. Rd3 Nc5 27. Re3 e5 28. Be5 Be5 29. Re5 Rd6 30. Re7 Rd7 31. Rd7 Nd7 32. Bg4 Rc7 33. Re1 Kf7 34. Kg2 Nc5 35. Re3 Re7 36. Rf3 Kg7 37. Rc3 Re4 38. Bd1 Rd4 39. Bc2 Kf6 40. Kf3 Kg5 41. Kg3 Ne4 42. Be4 Re4 43. Ra3 Re7 44. Rf3 Rc7 45. a4 Rc5 46. Rf7 Ra5 47. Rh7 Ra4 48. h4 Kf5 49. Rf7 Ke5 50. Rg7 Ra1 51. Kf3 b5 52. h5 Ra3 53. Kg2 gh5 54. Rg5 Kd6 55. Rb5 h4 56. f4 Kc6 57. Rb8 h3 58. Kh2 a5 59. f5 Kc7 60. Rb5 Kd6 61. f6 Ke6 62. Rb6 Kf7 63. Ra6 Kg6 64. Rc6 a4 65. Ra6 Kf7 66. Rc6 Rd3 67. Ra6 a3 68. Kg1

They Call Him Chuck Norris for a Reason!

Anish Giri vs Vladislav Artemiev Goldmoney Asian Rapid (2021) (rapid), Quarterfinals, Match 2 Game 1, Jun-30 Caro-Kann, advance variation (B12)

1.e4 c6 2.d4 d5 3.e5 Bf5 4.h4 h5 5.c4 e6 6.Nc3 dxc4 7.Bxc4 Nd7 8.Nge2 Be7 9.g3 Bg4 10.Bf4 Nh6 11.Qd3 b5 12.Bb3 Nc5 13.Qd1 Nxb3 14.axb3 b4 15.Bxh6 bxc3 16.Bxg7 cxb2 17.Rb1 Rg8 18.Bf6 Qd5 19.Rh2 Ba3 20.Bg5 Bf5 21.Nc3 Bb4

Game Of The Year?!

Magnus Carlsen vs Anish Giri Gashimov Memorial (2019), Shamkir AZE, rd 7, Apr-07 English Opening (A10)

1. c4 e5 2. Nc3 Nf6 3. Nf3 Nc6 4. g3 d5 5. cxd5 Nxd5 6. Bg2 Bc5 7. O-O O-O 8. d3 h6 9. Nxd5 Qxd5 10. a3 a5 11. Bd2 Qe6 12. Rc1 Qe7 13. Bc3 Nd4 14. e3 Nxf3+ 15. Qxf3 Bd6 16. Qh5 c6 17. f4 exf4 18. gxf4 Qxe3+ 19. Kh1 Rd8 20. Rce1 Qc5 21. f5 Bf8 22. Be4 Rd5 23. Rf3 b5 24. Rg1 Ra7 25. Bf6 g6 26. Qh3 Rd6 27. Qh4 Rxf6 28. Qxf6 Be7 29. Qxc6 Qxc6 30. Bxc6 Kg7 31. fxg6 fxg6 32. d4 a4 33. d5 b4 34. Be8 Bg5 35. h4 Bxh4 36. Rxg6+ Kh7 37. Rc6 Bg4 38. Rf4 Rg7

Shamkir Chess 2019 is a 10-player single round-robin held in memory of Vugar Gashimov. The 6th edition of the tournament in Shamkir, Azerbaijan runs from 30 March to 9 April 2019 and features World Champion Magnus Carlsen. The total prize fund is €100,000, with €30,000 for first place. Players receive 120 minutes for the first 40 moves, 60 minutes for the next 20 moves and then 15 minutes for the rest of the game, with a 30 seconds per move increment starting from move 61. A rapid playoff will take place in case of a tie for first place

Greatest Queen Sacrifice Repeated in 2019!!!

Alireza Firouzja vs Murali Karthikeyan Asian Continental Championship, rd 4, Jun-11 King's Indian Defense, Makogonov Variation (E62)

1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 g6 3. Nc3 Bg7 4. e4 d6 5. h3 O-O 6. Be3 c5 7. Nf3 Qa5 8. Nd2 cxd4 9. Nb3 Qxc3+ 10. bxc3 dxe3 11. f3 Nh5 12. Qc1 Bh6 13. g4 Nf4 14. Kd1 Ne6 15. Kc2 Nc6 16. h4 Bf4 17. Qd1 Ne5 18. Nc1 Bd7 19. a4 Rac8 20. Ne2 Bh6 21. g5 Bg7 22. Bh3 Nxf3 23. Qd3 Ne5 24. Qxe3 Nxc4 25. Qf2 Rc5 26. Rhb1 Bc6 27. Bg2 f5 28. gxf6 Bxf6 29. Rf1 Bxc3 30. Qxc5 Nxc5 31. Rxf8+ Kxf8 32. Kxc3 Ne5 33. a5 Nxe4+ 34. Bxe4 Bxe4 35. Nd4 Bd5 36. Nb5 a6 37. Nc7 Bc6 38. Rf1+ Kg7 39. Ne6+ Kh6 40. Rf8 Kh5 41. Rh8 h6 42. Rh7 Kxh4 43. Rxh6+ Kg4 44. Nd4 Kg5 45. Rh2 Bd5 46. Re2 Kf4 47. Rf2+ Nf3 48. Re2 e5 49. Nc2 Be4 50. Ne3 d5 51. Kb4 Nd4 52. Re1 Kf3

The 2019 Asian Continental Championship is a 9-round Swiss tournament taking place from 6-16 June in Xingtai, China. The top 5 qualify for the 2019 World Cup. Players receive 90 minutes for 40 moves, followed by 30 minutes to the end of the game, plus a 30-second increment starting from move one.

Was This Really Played in 2020???

Santosh Gujrathi Vidit vs David Navara Prague Chess Festival - Masters, rd 8 20.2.2020. Queen's Indian, Petrosian system (E12)

1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 e6 3. Nf3 b6 4. a3 Bb7 5. Bf4 d5 6. cxd5 Nxd5 7. Bg3 Nd7 8. e4 N5f6 9. e5 Nh5 10. Nc3 Be7 11. Bc4 a6 12. d5 exd5 13. Bxd5 Nxg3 14. hxg3 c6 15. Bxf7+ Kxf7 16. e6+ Kxe6 17. Qe2+ Kf7 18. O-O-O Bf6 19. Ne4 Qe7 20. Nd6+ Kf8 21. Qxe7+ Bxe7 22. Nxb7 Nf6 23. Ne5 Nd5 24. Kb1 Rc8 25. Rhe1 Bxa3 26. Nxc6 Bb4 27. Nxb4 Nxb4 28. Rd7 h5 29. Nd6 Ra8 30. Ree7 Rh7 31. Ne4 Rh6 32. Rxg7 Rd8 33. b3 Rxd7 34. Rxd7 a5 35. f3 Rc6 36. Rd2 Kf7 37. Kb2 Ke6 38. Nc3 Rd6 39. Re2+ Kf5 40. Ne4 Rd1 41. Nc3 Rd3 42. Nb1 Nd5 43. Kc2 Nb4+ 44. Kb2 Nd5 45. Na3 Ne3 46. Nc4 Nxc4+ 47. bxc4 a4 48. Kc2 Rb3 49. Rd2 Rb4 50. Kc3 Rb3+ 51. Kc2 Rb4 52. Kc3 Rb3+ 53. Kd4 a3 54. Ra2 Ke6 55. c5 b5 56. g4 hxg4 57. fxg4 b4 58. g5 Rb2 59. Ra1 a2 60. g6 b3 61. c6 Rc2 62. Rf1 b2 63. g7 Rxg2 64. c7 Kd7

The Masters is a 10-player round-robin tournament organized by NovĂ˝ Bor Chess Club, taking place from 12-21 February 2020 in the Hotel Don Giovanni in Prague, Czech Republic. Players receive 90 minutes for 40 moves, followed by 30 minutes to the end of the game, with a 30-second increment starting from move one.

The Immortal Pawns Game

Emil Joseph Diemer vs Thomas Heiling "The Pawnmower Man" (game of the day Jun-15-2006) Nurenberg Open (1984), Germany Lion Defense: Lion's Jaw (B07)

1. d4 Nf6 2. f3 d6 3. e4 g6 4. g4 Bg7 5. g5 Nfd7 6. f4 c5 7. d5 b5 8. c3 a6 9. h4 Nb6 10. h5 e6 11. h6 Bf8 12. a4 ed5 13. a5 N6d7 14. ed5 Be7 15. c4 f6 16. cb5 fg5 17. f5 gf5 18. Qh5 Kf8 19. Nf3 Rg8 20. b6 Bb7 21. Nc3 Nf6 22. Ng5 Nh5 23. Ne6 Ke8 24. Nd8 Ng3 25. Nb7 Nh1 26. Bf4 Rg6 27. O-O-O Nf2 28. Re1 Kd7 29. Nb5 Ne4 30. Re4 Rg1 31. Re1 Rf1 32. Rf1 ab5 33. Rg1 Kc8 34. Nd6 Bd6 35. Bd6 Nd7 36. Rg8 Kb7 37. Rg7 Kc8 38. Rh7 Ra5 39. b7 Kb7 40. Rd7 Kc8 41. h7 Ra1 42. Kc2 Kd7 43. h8Q Kd6 44. Qd8 Ke5 45. d6

Emil Joseph Diemer was born in 1908 in the German town Radolfzell, in Baden. In 1931, he was out of work and joined the German Nazi party, where he became an active member. He was present at all important international chess events, and became the "chess reporter of the Great German Reich": his articles appeared in Nazi publications. In 1942-1943, he played correspondence and tournament games with Klaus Junge.

The Captures Captures Immortal!

Matthias Burschowsky vs Ma Weiss AUT-ch U14 (1995), Austria Polish (Sokolsky) opening (A00)

1.b4 Nf6 2.Bb2 d6 3.c4 Nbd7 4.e3 g6 5.Nf3 Bg7 6.Be2 O-O 7.O-O c5 8.b5 b6 9.d3 Bb7 10.Nbd2 e6 11.Qc2 d5 12.Rfd1 Qc7 13.h3 Rfd8 14.Rac1 Rac8 15.Nf1 a6 16.a4 a5 17.Ng3 e5 18.Rb1 d4 19.e4 Rf8 20.Bc1 Ne8 21.Nh2 f5 22.f3 f4 23.Nh1 h5 24.Bd2 g5 25.Rf1 Ndf6 26.Nf2 Rd8 27.Qd1 Bc8 28.Rb2 Be6 29.Rc2 Kh7 30.Nh1 Ng8 31.Kf2 Qd7 32.Ke1 Nef6 33.Nf2 Nh6 34.Rb2 Rg8 35.Bc1 Bf8 36.Kd2 g4 37.hxg4 hxg4 38.fxg4 Nhxg4 39.Nhxg4 Nxg4 40.Nxg4 Bxg4 41.Bxg4 Qxg4 42.Qxg4 Rxg4 43.Rg1 Bh6 44.Ke1 Rdg8 45.Kf1 Rg3 46.Rb3 R8g6 47.Bd2 f3 48.Bxh6 fxg2+ 49.Kf2 Kxh6 50.Ra3 Kh5 51.Ke2 Kh4
