Untuk yang minat ja! Beberapa sajak dulu-dulu, zaman budaya hippie, untuk saya tonton. Yang terkini pun ada juga. Saya insya-ALLAH terjemah nanti mana-mana sajak yang saya rasa ada manfaat untuk anda selidik. 

October in the Railroad Earth

There was a little alley in San Francisco back of the Southern Pacific station at Third and Townsend in redbrick of drowsy lazy afternoons with everybody at work in offices in the air you feel the impending rush of their commuter frenzy as soon they’ll be charging en masse from Market and Sansome buildings on foot and in buses and all well-dressed thru workingman Frisco of Walkup ?? truck drivers and even the poor grime-bemarked Third Street of lost bums even Negros so hopeless and long left East and meanings of responsibility and try that now all they do is stand there spitting in the broken glass sometimes fifty in one afternoon against one wall at Third and Howard and here’s all these Millbrae and San Carlos neat-necktied producers and commuters of America and Steel civilization rushing by with San Francisco Chronicles and green Call-Bulletins not even enough time to be disdainful, they’ve got to catch 130, 132, 134, 136 all the way up to 146 till the time of evening supper in homes of the
railroad earth when high in the sky the magic stars ride above the following hotshot freight trains--it’s all in California, it’s all a sea, I swim out of it in afternoons of sun hot meditation in my jeans with head on handkerchief on brakeman’s lantern or (if not working) on book, I look up at blue sky of perfect lostpurity and feel the warp of wood of old America beneath me and I* have insane conversations with Negroes in second*-story windows above and everything is pouring in, the switching moves of boxcars in that little alley which is so much like the alleys of
 and I hear far off in the sense of coming night that engine calling our mountains.

But it was that beautiful cut of clouds I could always see above the little S.P. alley, puffs floating by from Oakland or the Gate of Marin to the north or San Jose south, the clarity of Cal to break your heart. It was the fantastic drowse and drum hum of lum mum afternoon nathin’ to do, ole Frisco with end of land sadness--the people--the alley full of trucks and cars of
businesses nearabouts and nobody knew or far from cared who I was all my life three thousand five hundred miles from birth-O opened up and at last belonged to me in Great America.

Now it's night in Third Street the keen little neons and also yellow bulblights of impossible-to-believe flops with dark ruined shadows moving back of tom yellow shades like a degenerate China with no money-the cats in Annie's Alley, the flop comes on, moans, rolls, the street is loaded with darkness. Blue sky above with stars hanging high over old hotel roofs and blowers of hotels moaning out dusts of interior, the grime inside the word in mouths falling out tooth by tooth, the reading rooms tick tock bigclock with creak chair and slantboards and old faces looking up over rimless spectacles bought in some West Virginia or Florida or Liverpool
England pawnshop long before I was born and across rains they've come to the end of the land sadness end of the world gladness all you San Franciscos will have to fall eventually
and burn again. But I'm walking and one night a bum fell into the hole of the construction job where they're tearing a sewer by day the husky Pacific & Electric youths in torn jeans who work there often I think of going up to some of 'em like say blond ones with wild hair and tom shirts and say "You oughta apply for the railroad it's much easier work you don't stand around the street all day and you get much more pay" but this bum fell in the hole you saw his foot stick out, a British MG also driven by some eccentric once backed into the hole and as I came home from a long Saturday afternoon local to Hollister out of San Jose miles away across
verdurous fields of prune and juice joy here's this British MG backed and legs up wheels up into a pit and bums and cops standing around right outside the coffee shop-it was the way they fenced it but he never had the nerve to do it due to the fact that he had no money and nowhere to go and O his father was dead and O his mother was dead and O his sister was dead and O his whereabout was dead was dead but and then at that time also I lay in my room on long Saturday afternoons listening to Jumpin' George with my fifth of tokay no tea and just under the sheets laughed to hear the crazy music "Mama, he treats your daughter mean," Mama, Papa, and don't you come in here I'll kill you etc. getting high by myself in room glooms and all wondrous knowing about the Negro the essential American out there
always finding his solace his meaning in the fellaheen street and not in abstract morality
 and even when he has a church you see the pastor out front bowing to the ladies on the make you hear his great vibrant voice on the sunny Sunday afternoon sidewalk full of sexual vibratos saying "Why yes Mam but de gospel do say that man was born of woman's womb-" and no and so by that time I come crawling out of my warmsack and hit the street when I see the railroad ain't gonna call me till 5 AM Sunday morn probably for a local out of Bay Shore in fact always for a local out of Bay Shore and I go to the wailbar of all the wildbars in the world the one and only Third-and-Howard and there I go in and drink with the madmen and if I get drunk I git.

The whore who come up to me in there the night I was there with Al Buckle and said to me "You wanta play with me tonight Jim, and?" and I didn't think I had enough money and later told this to Charley Low and he laughed and said "How do you know she wanted money always take the chance that she might be out just for love or just out for love you know what I mean man don't be a sucker." She was a goodlooking doll and said "How would you like to oolyakoo with me mon?" and I stood there like a jerk and in fact bought drink got drink drunk that night and in the 299 Club I was hit by the proprietor the band breaking up the fight before I had a chance to decide to hit him back which I didn't do and out on the street I tried to rush back in but they had locked the door and were looking at me thru the forbidden glass in the door with faces like undersea––I should have played with her shurrouruuruuruuruuruuruurkdiei.

According to genius.com, Kerouac wrote this piece in San Francisco during the fall and winter of 1952-53. After living with Neal Cassady and his wife for a time, he moved into a flophouse on Third Street, while continuing to work as a brakeman for the railroad. This piece, along with Visions of Cody and Doctor Sax, was among the earliest examples of Kerouac’s “spontaneous prose.”

Perjalanan Ini 

Suatu hari kau akhirnya tahu

apa kau perlu lakukan, dan

sudah mulakan,

meski suara-suara sekeliling kau

terus menerus menjerit

nasihat tak berguna –

walau seluruh rumah

mulai bergegar

dan kau berasa rantai tua

di kedua-dua buku lali kau.

“Baiki kehidupan aku!”

setiap suara telah berteriak.

Tapi kau tak berhenti.

Kau tahu apa yang kau perlu


meski angin memaksa

dengan jari jemari kakunya 

terhadap asas-asas sebenar,

walau melankolinya


Waktu sudah agak lewat,

dan suatu malam ganas,

dan jalan itu penuh dengan

dahan-dahan sekah dan batu-batu.

Tapi sedikit demi sedikit,

sewaktu kau meninggalkan suara mereka di belakang,

bintang-bintang mulai terbakar

di sebalik lapisan-lapisan awan,

dan ada suatu suara baru

yang kau perlahan-lahan

kenal sebagai suara kau,

yang sentiasa menemani kau

ketika kau melangkah lebih dalam dan

semakin dalam

menembusi dunia,

dengan azam untuk melakukan

hanya satu perkara yang kau mampu lakukan –

dengan azam untuk menyelamatkan

satu satunya kehidupan yang kau mampu

